Nada mejor . te da a ti y un amigo la oportunidad para viajar a México muy barato . Y por baratos nos referimos a completamente GRATIS. Entrar aquí para ganar pasa a tres MTV Unplugged Zoe y Panda, y Enrique Bunbury en concierto. Tres noches. Tres espectáculos. Una experiencia. Vuelos y alojamiento en hotel en Ciudad de México están incluidos. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es conectar su información y espero que la suerte uno.clic aqui para participar
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Texto original :
They don’t get much better than this. is giving you and a friend a chance to travel to Mexico in style and on the cheap. And by cheap we mean completely FREE. Enter here to win passes to three MTV Unplugged shows featuring Zoe and Panda, and Enrique Bunbury in concert. Three nights. Three shows. One free experience.
Flights and hotel accommodations in Mexico City are included. All you have to do is plug in your info and hope you’re the lucky one.
Flights and hotel accommodations in Mexico City are included. All you have to do is plug in your info and hope you’re the lucky one.
Contest ends September 23.
Via Pandalandia
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